Historical Register
Big Creek Commissary
(added 2000)
Also known as Big Creek Barn --
Yellow Pine, Payette National Forest, Big Creek
Braddock Gold Mining and Milling Company Log Building and Forge Ruins
(added 1985) Also known as Forsythe, William, Cabin --
Off Pack Trail near Suicide Rock, Thunder City
Brown Tie and Lumber Company Mill and Burner
(added 1986) --
Off ID 55 at Payette Lake, McCall
Cabin Creek Ranch
(added 1990) --
Cabin Cr. at jct. with Big Cr., Payette NF, Black Butte
Elo School
(added 1982) -- Long Valley Finnish Structures -- SE of ID 55 on Farm to Market Rd., McCall
Hill, Matt N., Homestead Barn (added 1982) -- Long Valley Finnish Structures --
SE of McCall, McCall
Jarvi, Thomas, Homestead
(added 1982) -- Long Valley Finnish Structures --
E of Lake Fork on Finn Rd., Lake Fork
Johnson, John G., (Rintakangas) Homestead
(added 1982)
Also known as Rintakangas -- Long Valley Finnish Structures --
NE of Lake Fork off Pearson Rd., Lake Fork
Johnson, John S., (Sampila) Homestead
(added 1982) --
Also known as Sampila -- Long Valley Finnish Structures --
NE of Lake Fork off Pearson Rd., Lake Fork
Korvola, John, Homestead
(added 1982) -- Long Valley Finnish Structures --
Roseberry Rd. and Farm to Market Rd., Donnelly
Koski, Charles, Homestead
(added 1982) -- Long Valley Finnish Structures --
SE of McCall, McCall
Krassel Ranger Station
(added 1992) --
Along S Fork Salmon R., 11 mi. W of Yellowpine, Payette NF, Yellowpine
Laituri, Gust, Homestead
(added 1982) -- Long Valley Finnish Structures --
NE of Lake Fork off Pearson Rd., Lake Fork
Long Valley Finnish Church
(added 1980) --
Also known as "Finn" Church --
SE of Lake Fork, Lake Fork
Mahala, Jacob and Herman, Homestead
(added 1982) -- Long Valley Finnish Structures --
N of Donnelly, Donnelly
Maki, Jacob, Homestead
(added 1982) -- Long Valley Finnish Structures --
Off ID 55, Donnelly
McCall District Administration Site
West Lake & Mission Street, McCall
McCall Building
(added 1981) --
310 E. Lake St., McCall
North Fork Payette River Bridge
(added 1999) --
Also known as Rainbow Bridge --
ID 55, Approx. 2.5 mi. N of Smiths Ferry, Smiths Ferry
Ojala, Herman, Homestead (added 1982) -- Long Valley Finnish Structures --
NE of Lake Fork Off Pearson Rd., Lake Fork
Rice Meetinghouse
(added 1980) --
NE of McCall, McCall
Roosevelt Lake
(added 1972 - Site) --
E of Yellow Pine, Yellow Pine
Ruatsala, Matt, Homestead
(added 1982) -- Long Valley Finnish Structures --
N of Kantola Lane, Lake Fork
Southern Idaho Timber Protective Association (SITPA) Buildings
(added 1990) --
1001 State St., McCall
Southern Idaho Timber Protective Association (SITPA) Buildings
(added 1990) --
SR 55, Smiths Ferry
Stibnite Historic District
(added 1987) --
Also known as Stibnite Mining District --
US Forest Rd. 412, Yellow Pine
Wargelin, Nickolai, Homestead
(added 1982) -- Long Valley Finnish Structures --
SE of McCall, McCall
National Register for detailed descriptions
Idaho State Historical Society booklet
Century Farm & Ranch Program, Idaho State Historical Society
"This program is designed to honor those farm and ranch families who persevered through physical hardships, natural disasters, and economic hard times to settle this great state.
The program recognizes a farm or ranch owned and operated in Idaho by the same family for at least 100 years, with 40 acres of the original parcel of land maintained as part of the present holding.
The program also honors a family farming or ranching continuously for 100 years in Idaho, but not necessarily on the same land."
Points Family Farm (1887)
Current Owner: Lyle Points, Arlene Griffiths and Elaine Nelson
First Generation Owner: John Takkinen
Location: Donnelly
"Note: The information included in the above list was taken directly from the applications as originally submitted. The Century Farm/Ranch program began during the Centennial Year of 1990; therefore, the information may not be the most current."
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